We are a global organization supporting the accounting and business management, providing our customers and partners the most advanced management tools, as well as a multidisciplinary and highly qualified staff, to meet each specific need.

With an experience of over two decades, we exist to provide entrepreneurs the best elements to support decision-making. In TCAGest we gathered a group of professionals with specific training in several areas, which offer guarantees of performance Accounting Certificate Services, Taxation, Personnel Management, Consulting and Management Support.

We pioneered to launch the concept of On-line Management, providing a service on the network devoted exclusively to the customer – the My Accountant. Our commitment to new technologies enables us to provide the customer the Just-in-time access to accounting, financial reporting and human resources; contributing decisively to the managers of the companies leading the process of decision-making quickly and reliably.

We assume a distinctive and winning attitude, a posture that over the years has been decisive so that today we are a respected entity in the corporate segment to provide Consulting and Management Support Services.

Many customers who since 1990 have relied on our services. Compliance expert rigor of principles, quality and added value leads us to believe that we can continue to surprise positively with our performance.


TCAGest was born in 1990 in order to establish itself as a global framework to support the organization of businesses, particularly in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Personnel Management, Consulting and Management Support.

In 2002 it has established itself as an innovator, introducing the concept of Online Management. With this modern management tool, TCAGest printed transparency in their processes, giving customers the ability to monitor the implementation of accounting at a distance and can view in detail all operations using the “Terminal Service” technology.

Armed with this innovative service Online Management, the company extended the territorial scope of action, winning new customers in international markets, in Spain and Germany.

In the beginning of 2007, TCAGest took another decisive step, confirming its innovator status. Created the first portal of the company aiming to provide just in time access to accounting, financial reporting and human resources. With the implementation of Primavera ERP, we democratize the online access for small and medium enterprises (SME’S).

Following up on his entrepreneurial policy, in 2009 the company adopted an innovative technology that lets you bring the digital access to accounting supporting documents that are digitally certified.

The constant growth of the company has brought increased needs in terms of physical space and human resources. To address this need, in September 2009 the TCAGest installed in a new space, strategically designed to improve support to customers and offer its employees excellent working conditions.

We believe that this change would bring positive effects in terms of productivity and motivation of company employees, allowing substantially expand the supply of services to our customers.



We exist to maximize the business projects of our customers by providing excellent services. TCAGest takes an innovative philosophy which is based on a high level of care and ethics, essential to the implementation of a rigorous and responsible work.

We assume a distinctive and winning attitude, a posture that over the years has been decisive so that today we are a respected entity in the corporate segment to provide Consulting and Management Support Services.

TCAGest professionals share a strict code of conduct that defines the core values of our institution and the relationship with customers, employees and the community in general.


These are some of the rules that guide the behavior of all our professionals.

RESPONSIBILITY – We have developed a series of actions of the utmost responsibility and crucial to the success of business projects of our customers. Accordingly, we commit ourselves to give absolute guarantees of full responsibility for the actions undertaken by our team.

DISCIPLINE AND INTEGRITY – The treatment of economic information demands rigorous standards of technical and ethical behavior, so the principles of rigor and integrity are fundamental in the formation of our professionals.

TRANSPARENCY – Exigimos de nós próprios a máxima rectidão para com os nossos clientes e colaboradores, honrando integralmente todos os compromissos estabelecidos.

KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION – are that the accounting and management needs are constantly evolving, we bet on a continuous training of the human resource framework and an ongoing review of the supporting technologies to our work.

ADDED VALUE – We want our solutions to create a positive impact on business projects of our customers. The solutions presented have as mission achieve the objectives of our clients, with a view to value creation.


We are a dynamic team with extensive experience in areas related to the organization of businesses, particularly in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Personnel Management, Consulting, and Management Support.

We have assembled a group of professionals with training in several areas, particularly in business management, finance, economics, taxation and law interact and organize themselves by competence centers, in order to maximize the value delivered to our customers and to respond adequate to the challenges and needs facing towards their projects and business.

The experience of our employees and the work methods adopted, based on principles which require the constant improvement of practices focused on our clients’ business profitability, allow us to provide the best solutions and achieve outstanding results.

We embody a project that aims to transfer and apply this experience to a broader market, targeting mutual success.